KareBayTM Biochem’s headquarters is located in New Jersey.It is a United States based, globally operated company dedicated to the innovation and manufacture of biochemical products and services.
Our team provides scientists and clinicians with a wide range of biotechnological products and services for analyzing life processes. KareBay’s extensive capabilities include commercializing reagents and kits, manufacturing biological reagents and providing contract research services to organizations worldwide. Our many global labs, offices, and business partners enable KareBay to extend its products and services to its customer base around the world.
In order to reach our broad range of customers, KareBay Biochem has put together an industry leading team. It consists of experts who graduated with degrees from top universities and Ph.D. programs around the world. Every member has had extensive experience in the pharmaceutical and biotech industries and will be working to ensure the precision of each order. KareBay’s excellent management has propelled its relations to become strategic partners and preferred suppliers of many multi-national corporations and higher institutions.
Our mission is to exceed the expectations of our customers with reliable products, comprehensive support and consistent inventory availability. Customer satisfaction is our pursuit and we guarantee premium quality products and services.